東京は今「TOKYOブーム」- Tokyo is now having a “Tokyo Boom”
5月、待ちに待ったゴールデンウィーク(Golden Week = May vacation)だったり、
Ever since the day that person announced “Tokyo” for the 2020 Olympics, Tokyo immediately started to go through a “Tokyo boom”
The Tokyo boom was not only influenced by the Olympics of course. This April there were many young people from other areas who came to Tokyo to start university and seek employment. There was also the long-awaited Golden Week (a one week holiday in May) where people came to Tokyo in spring justcouldn’t contain their excitement to go out and know more about Tokyo. Maybe it’s just that kind of season.
So what about this? There have been both television shows and magazines that have featured Tokyo recently.
How can you learn about things you didn’t know about in Tokyo?
I will introduce my recommendation on magazines featuring Tokyo.
The first is “Popeye” which is a popular magazine for young men who are into the latest trends in fashion
POPEYE (ポパイ) 2014年 05月号
Popeye – May 2014 edition
The May and the following June edition will both feature Tokyo!
POPEYE (ポパイ) 2013年 06月号
Popeye – June 2013 edition
BRUTUS (ブルータス) 2014年 4/15号
Brutus – 15th April 2014 edition
30代女性向け – Aimed at women in their 30’s
& Premium (アンド プレミアム) 2014年 04月号
&Premium – April 2014 edition
共通して言えるのは(All in Japanese)すべて日本語だけど、外国人旅行者を意識して書かれた文章であること。
These magazines are all released by the same publisher and what all of these magazines have in common is that they are all in Japanese and include articles written for foreign travellersin mind. It can be felt that a system will be made to take in more travellers from overseas for 2020.
Meanwhile, there are a lot of unexpectedly good articles in “The Lady’s Graphic”
婦人画報 2014年 05月号
The Lady’s Graphic – May 2014 edition
I bought a travel-size version of The Lady’s Graphic and there are many articles on what you can experience from olden day Japanese culture. I want to show these places to people from overseas since there are unexpected discoveries in Tokyo! There are many kinds of these places to go to in Tokyo.
However, since The Lady’s Graphic is a popular magazine amongst wealthy middle-aged women, it features many expensive restaurants.How long is this “Tokyo Boom” going to last for?
【Writer】Tokyo de Asobo:Yoshida